Analytics beacon transport mechanism gotchas

An important component in DataHem’s measurementprotocol application is the javascript tracker that emitts hits to the AppEngine collector endpoint. It is important that the tracker emitts all defined hits, if the tracker malfunction then there is no way to recover dropped hits downstream. Like Google Analytics, the DataHem tracker supports three different transport mechanisms; ‘image’ (using an Image object), ‘xhr’ (using an XMLHttpRequest object), or ‘beacon’ using the new navigator.sendBeacon method....

February 18, 2019 · 3 min · Robert Sahlin

Firebase LogEvents as doubles in a webview

Are you planning to use Firebase Analytics in a WebView on Android or iOS? Beware if you want to log doubles (price for example) as event parameters. Google is sunsetting the Analytics Services SDKs coming fall and promote the transition to tracking your apps with the Firebase SDKs. Firebase Analytics is awesome (BigQuery Export, User and Event based, etc.). However, there is an issue I’m certain many analysts will face when implementing Firebase Analytics in a WebView....

February 15, 2019 · 4 min · Robert Sahlin