Analytics beacon transport mechanism gotchas

An important component in DataHem’s measurementprotocol application is the javascript tracker that emitts hits to the AppEngine collector endpoint. It is important that the tracker emitts all defined hits, if the tracker malfunction then there is no way to recover dropped hits downstream. Like Google Analytics, the DataHem tracker supports three different transport mechanisms; ‘image’ (using an Image object), ‘xhr’ (using an XMLHttpRequest object), or ‘beacon’ using the new navigator.sendBeacon method....

February 18, 2019 · 3 min · Robert Sahlin

DataHem: open source, serverless, real-time and end-2-end ML pipeline on Google Cloud Platform

I’m excited to say that the project I’ve been working on the last year is now released as OpenSource (MIT license). DataHem is a serverless real-time end-2-end ML pipeline built entirely on GoogleCloud Platform services - AppEngine, PubSub, Dataflow, BigQuery, Cloud ML Engine, Deployment Manager, Cloud Build and Cloud Composer. When building ML/Data products, your most valuable asset is your data. Hence, the purpose of DataHem is to give you:...

June 1, 2018 · 2 min · Robert Sahlin