In this post I’ve tried to collect different training resources that I’ve found useful for myself, some for free and some for a fee. The focus is using BigQuery for digital analytics. If you are one of the lucky digital analysts who work for an organisation with the 360 version of Google Analytics or Firebase Blaze, but not started using BigQuery? Then, don’t wait for it, enable the BigQuery Export (read this post if you are acting in EU) and learn how to use BigQuery.

Basic SQL skills helps and getting your head around nested data can be tricky, but it is well worth it. I’ve used BigQuery for digital analytics a few years now and seen an already powerful tool evolve further with more features. Hence I thought I would share some tips on training resources I’ve found useful myself, some for free and some for a fee.

Google Analytics Sample Dataset for BigQuery

  • The sample dataset contains Google Analytics 360 data from the Google Merchandise Store, a real ecommerce store. (I requested this long ago and since spring 2018 it’s finally available).

Google Developers Codelabs


Virtual Google Cloud training

Google analytics help

Google Analytics for Firebase help

Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Blog